Dear Lionesses, Lions, and Friends,
Welcome to our UNN-USA space. For over a decade, our members have gathered to support the vision of University of Nigeria-to restore the dignity of man. We, individually and collectively, are asking the question-how do we lean in on that vision.
The current admission has decided to focus on two areas of service. We will seek for more effective ways to serve our alumni and community in diaspora; while serving the students and community in Nigeria. The service in diaspora will be accomplished by intentional connectivity with members in various branches such as Atlanta, Houston, Boston, New jersey, Los Angeles, United Kingdom, etc. We are organizing seminars that focus on topics that are of greatest interest to our members. Please contact [email protected] to join that conversation.
We also provide scholarships for up to 15 students at the University of Nigeria annually. These scholarships are based on a combination of academic accomplishment and need. Over the years, the recipients have told inspiring stories of how they were affected by the scholarship support. We have a plan to transition the scholarship to perpetuity, by using interests on the capital only. To this end, we have set up named scholarships that $10,000 in value. So, any community member can institute a lifetime scholarship in honor of family member, friend, or themselves for $10,000. Occasionally, we have anonymous donors that match the scholarship 1:1, making the total cost to you $5,000. Prof. Casimir Akoh has initiated the first scholarship in biochemistry and we are very grateful for his generosity. Please contact [email protected], if you are interested in supporting the scholarship.
Finally, as a community in diaspora, connection with each other is one of the most important gifts we can give ourselves. Everyone can give that gift to some extent. So, to restore the dignity of man, I ask you to find the alumni network closest to you, bring your friends, family members, ideas, and help shape your local conception of our restoration project. I look forward to seeing you, post COVID 19, at our upcoming convention in Newark, New Jersey.
Dozie Amuzie DVM,PhD